Today is Sunday we gave talks last Sunday in Sacrament Meeting. Sister B. was feeling pretty ill on Saturday (a week ago), but powered through Sunday and gave a great talk. Then we were invited to dinner, so we went there as well. When we got back, she was really worn out. Her cold got worse and worse and only made it to work for a half day. Starting on about Thursday, Elder B. got the plague as well. So, we've been drinkings lots of water, getting plenty of bed rest and just taking it easy. Plus, we got some good medicine at the local pharmacy. We are hoping we can get back to work on Monday.

Elder B. had a very busy week. Elder Pearson left on Monday evening, so things were crazy Monday with several meetings. Our big push now is getting ready for the LDS Share Expo's. These are expo type of events where we'll have a 20 minute opening (in the chapel) and then we'll do classes and workshops to show members how to share the Gospel with social media tools. We'll be concentrating on: facebook, websites, instagram, and pinterest. The More Good Foundation (they do: w have done this in several other locations. We'll be doing 8 expos: in Hamilton, Auckland (both in New Zealand) and in 3 cities in Australia. We'll start near the end of September so the events will be done right before General Conference.

Also, Elder Pearson asked us to be the Area missionary couple handling YSA (along with our other assignments). We are working on a template for the YSA conferences that are coming up. Also, we'll be doing the social media Expo's at the conferences. I've been doing some Exec. Sec. items, but since the Brethren are gone in July, this won't pick up until August.
We had a fun Saturday (even though we were mostly resting) ... went to a bakery, the lake, and a beach.