Thursday, July 2, 2015

Elder B's Surgery

Before going into surgery
Not to be out done by Patsy having gallbladder surgery, I went into the hospital last Monday. I figured this would be a good time, since most everyone is out of the office for the month of July. 

About 6 months ago, I started feeling a pain in my side. Given Patsy’s surgery, I checked out my situation with her surgeon. And, I have a right side inguinal hernia. From WebMD it says, “this occurs when tissue pushes through a weak spot in your groin muscle”.  That sounds bad, but it really has been just a very minor irritation. 

Here’s some more info from WebMD: “If you have a hernia, it will not heal on its own. Surgery is the only way to treat a hernia. Most people with hernias have surgery to repair them, even if they do not have symptoms. This is because many doctors believe surgery is less dangerous than strangulation, a serious problem that occurs when part of your intestine gets trapped inside the hernia.”  
After surgery!

So, given this and the fact that it has been an irritation for the last few months the doctor feels I should get this taken care of.  So, I went in on Monday and got home on Tuesday. Given the medicine I'm taking, I'm feeling pretty good, but still kind of sore. I went into work on Thursday and Friday, but not for the whole day. On Thursday, I stayed too long and was kind of limping home. Friday we left at 3pm and that was much better. I'm hoping by next week, I'll be close to 100%.

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